Welcome to the Hadoop Unit wiki!
______ __ _________ _____ __ __________ ___ / / /_____ ______ /___________________ __ / / /_________(_)_ /_ 3.7 __ /_/ /_ __ `/ __ /_ __ \ __ \__ __ \ _ / / /__ __ \_ /_ __/ _ __ / / /_/ // /_/ / / /_/ / /_/ /_ /_/ / / /_/ / _ / / / / / /_ /_/ /_/ \__,_/ \__,_/ \____/\____/_ .___/ \____/ /_/ /_//_/ \__/ /_/ - HDFS host:localhost port:20112 httpPort:50070 - ZOOKEEPER host: port:22010 - HIVEMETA port:20102 - HIVESERVER2 port:20103 - KAFKA host: port:20111 - HBASE port:25111 restPort:28000 - SOLRCLOUD zh: port:8983 collection:collection1 - CASSANDRA listenAddressIp: rpcAddressIp: broadcastAddressIp: broadcastRpcAddressIp: port:13433 - ELASTICSEARCH clusterName:elasticsearch ip: httpPort:14433 tcpPort:14533 indexName:test_index version:6.2.4 - CONFLUENT_KAFKA kafka host: kafka port:22222 - CONFLUENT_SCHEMAREGISTRY schemaregistry host: schemaregistry port:8081 - CONFLUENT_KAFKA_REST rest host: rest port:8082 - DOCKER_COMPOSE dockerComposeFile:/home/khanh/tmp/hadoop-unit-standalone-3.3/conf/docker-compose.yml exposedPorts:{} - DOCKER imageName:alpine:3.2 exposedPorts:[80] fixedExposedPortsList:{21300=80} envs:{MAGIC_NUMBER=42} labels:{MAGIC_NUMBER=42} command:[/bin/sh, -c, while true; do echo "$MAGIC_NUMBER" | nc -l -p 80; done] classpathResourceMappings:{} - BOOKKEEPER ip: port:31810 http port:31900 - PULSAR name:pulsar-cluster-1 ip: port:22022 httpPort:22023 zookeeper port:22010 ...